Social Jooce workshops are perfect if you want to learn alongside other people but don’t have a whole team that needs training. Book onto a planned workshop to learn tips, tricks and skills that will transform your social media activity!

Content Strategy & Planning Masterclass
Do you find creating content a tedious and repetitive task? Are you looking for a more manageable approach? Planning and creating content can feel overwhelming and time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be!
In this online masterclass, you’ll learn how to create a content strategy and plan quality content that attracts your target audience and increases visibility on social media.
“I now know how much I need to conquer LinkedIn! Being taken through step-by-step was very useful, as I realised I didn’t have my new job description down! Sarah brought great energy and enthusiasm to the workshop. She really knows her stuff and made LinkedIn approachable for all!”
“Going through a content strategy for my business and understanding our target audience in more detail has been invaluable to us. Overall, I thought the session was very good. It’s given me lots of ideas to take forward. Thank you, Sarah!”
“Thank you for your great Kickstart Your Brand* workshop. It gave me a much better understanding of my next steps and how to maximise the outcome on the brand journey. It was helpful to see how brand and social media are so linked. I now know the work needed to get established as I prepare to launch my business. I feel very inspired! And more confident!”
*The Kickstart Your Brand workshops were run in partnership with Beehive Green Design Studio.